2024 스타킨들 주니어 썸머캠프 미리 설레어 보기 이미지
자세히 보기화살표 아이콘
닫기 아이콘
맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

전체 지도

Q & A
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

The Do’s and Don’ts

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • In Switzerland, there is an unspoken rule about dinner parties. Guests should leave a dinner party before midnight in Switzerland. This courtesy gives the host time to clean up after the party before it gets too late. At the end of the party, a simple “thank you” for the dinner invitation will be appreciated. The Swiss also expects dinner invitations to be rewarded, so be prepared to return the dinner invitations.

Vocabulary Corner

unspoken courtesy invitation appreciate expect reward prepare
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

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Q & A
Q. Do you enjoy organizing dinner parties at your home?
A. Yes, I enjoy inviting people to my house. We usually have a potluck when I plan these parties so that everyone can bring something for the party. I also find that it is a good way to make new friends. I usually host a dinner party once every few months and I ask each of my friends to bring a friend. This way, not only do I get to make new friends, but I can also introduce my friends to the new people.
invite potluck make a friend introduce

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각자 음식을 조금씩 가져 와서 나눠 먹는 식사
친구를 사귀다
unspoken 무언의
courtesy 공손함
invitation 초대
appreciate 고마워하다
expect 기대하다
reward 보답하다
prepare 준비하다
invite 초대하다
potluck 각자 음식을 조금씩 가져 와서 나눠 먹는 식사
make a friend 친구를 사귀다
introduce 소개하다