The United States of America is a country located in North America. It is between Canada, at its northern border, and Mexico, at its southern border. America is the world’s third largest country in size and in terms ofpopulation. The country is also bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. The United States of America consists of 50 states. The capital city is Washington D.C.
Vocabulary Corner
northernsouthernin terms ofpopulationPacific OceanAtlantic Oceanconsist of
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Discussion Question
What would you pack for a trip to America?
The weather in America can be very different depending on the season and the location. During the summer, northern states will experience warm to hot days, and cooler temperatures in the mornings and nights. The southern states, however, will experience very hot and scorching temperatures. If I intend to go to the northern states during the summer, where the average summer temperature is 18 degrees Celsius, I will be packing plenty of light sweaters or T-shirts to keep me cool. I will also pack shorts, caps, skirts, casual dresses, swimsuits, and pajamas. However, if I am going during the winter, I would pack heavier winter outfits for the dead of winter, which is the coldest part of winter.
temperaturescorchingintendCelsiusplenty of
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의도하다, 작정하다
How long does it take by plane from your country to America?
Useful expression
Pave the way
~을 위한 길을 닦다
I aimed to paved the way for a long-term peace plan for Europe.
이것의 목적은 유럽의 장기적 평화 계획을 수립하는 것이었다.
Seoul has high hopes that the visit will pave the way for the resumption of inter- Korean talks.
서울은 이번 방문이 남북대화 재개의 발판을 마련할 것이라고 크게 희망한다.
That will also help to pave the way for the transfer.
그것은 또한 이송의 길을 열어 놓는데 도울 것이다.
How many states does America consist of?
What is the average temperature in major cities of America ranges from?
Choose the one that does NOT match above passage, “Caucasians”.