2024 스타킨들 주니어 썸머캠프 미리 설레어 보기 이미지
자세히 보기화살표 아이콘
닫기 아이콘

전체 지도

Q & A
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

Overview Part 2


Packets of Tissue on Tables

  • Singapore has a very interesting custom of placing packets of tissue on tables to reserve them. Packets of tissue on the table at hawker centers or public food places let people know that the table is taken. Especially at lunch hours, when public eating places are packed with people, this unique practice with different sizes and colors of tissue packets is a sight to behold! This practice applies only to public eating places and not to restaurants.

Vocabulary Corner

custom place packets of tissue reserve especially be packed with unique practice a sight to behold apply
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

단어를 선택해주세요.

화장지 한통
따로 잡아두다
미어 터지다
매우 특이해서 특별한 시각으로 보게 되는 것
Q & A
Q. What do you think of this custom? Does your country have similar practices?
A. I have never heard of this custom. I was so surprised to hear about this being a common practice in Singapore. It is so interesting that many people practice this custom, and that a small thing like a packet of tissue can reserve a table. However, after doing some research, I discovered that while everyone understands the practice, there are divided opinions on the practice. Many people say that it is a smart “life-hack” but many also think that it is a rude practice. Many Singaporeans, if not all, will observe this custom even if they think it is rude but foreigners often have a harder time with it.
custom reserve research discover divided opinions rude practice observe

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무례한 관행

Useful expression

life hack 꿀팁, 생활의 지혜
health hack 건강 꿀팁
kitchen hack 주방 꿀팁
beauty hack 뷰티 꿀팁
cleaning hack 청소 꿀팁
  • That's useful life hack. 그거 정말 유용한 꿀팁이다.
  • I discovered a life hack yesterday: growing new plants from cuttings! 어제 꿀팁 하나 알아냈어. 꺾꽂이로 식물을 번식시키는 방법이야!
  • A: Did you try removing carpet stains with vodka? 너 보드카로 카펫에 묻은 자국들 없애봤어? B : Yes. It was an amazing cleaning hack. 응, 이거 완전 청소 꿀팁인데!
useful discover stain

단어를 선택해주세요.

custom 관습
place 놓다
packets of tissue 화장지 한통
reserve 따로 잡아두다
especially 특히
be packed with 미어 터지다
unique 독특한
practice 관행
a sight to behold 매우 특이해서 특별한 시각으로 보게 되는 것
apply 적용하다
custom 관습
reserve (자리를)잡아두다
research 조사
discover 발견하다
divided opinions 호불호
rude practice 무례한 관행
observe 관찰하다
useful 유용한
discover 발견하다
stain 자국