▶ Characteristic/personality
I am a professional English teacher who is passionate and excited about the English language, as well as about helping you learn. I am a teacher that has great patience and confidence in the abilities of my students, and I will stop at nothing to help them reach their fullest potential as an English learner.
▶ To 맛집영어 students
Together, we can come to that magical “a-ha!” moment that all students strive for. You can expect thorough explanations and unceasing attention to detail under my instruction, yet throughout all our lessons you will be met with a happy smile and optimistic attitude. I like to get students to be just as enthusiastic about learning as I am.
▶ Tutor’s experience
I am an experienced and well-rounded teacher with professional TEFL certification, an academic background in linguistics, as well as both in-person and online teaching experience. I have had the opportunity to work with both adults and children of all levels of proficiency.
알차고 즐겁게 20분 수업해주셨습니다 ㅎㅎㅎ 피드백도 준다고 해서 기다리고 있네요 꼼꼼하게 제가 어떻게 잘 할 수 있을지 말해주신 것 같아서 좋아요
꼼꼼하게 알려주신다고 해서 하게 됐는데, 진짜.. 꼼꼼대마왕...?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 교정도 그렇고 지문이해부터 설명까지 빼놓지않으시려고 해서 너무 좋아요 시간을 알차게 써주시는 튜터 너무 좋습니다!!!!
Anthony is a very calm and great teacher! 친절하고, 차분하게 설명을 잘 해주시네요! 제가 모르는 단어도 많았는데, 하나하나 이해하기 쉽게 설명해줬어요 :) 제가 틀린 문장을 말할 때 바로 첨삭해주시는 점도 좋았어요. 피드백에서도 앞으로 어떻게 공부하면 좋을지 적어주셔서 감사합니다! I had a wonderful time with him and hope to see you again soon! Thank you so much!
굉장히 열정이 넘치십니다. 작은 단어 하나라도 이해가 되지 않는다고 하면 쉽게 풀이해서 설명해주시고, 이해했는지 확인까지 해 주시니 좋네요.