2024 스타킨들 주니어 썸머캠프 미리 설레어 보기 이미지
자세히 보기화살표 아이콘
닫기 아이콘
맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

전체 지도

맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

Day 16 - Little Red Riding Hood pt. 4

Level 1

Day 16 - Little Red Riding Hood pt. 4

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • Little Red Riding Hood is at her grandmother’s house. Her grandmother is sick. Little Red Riding Hood looks at her grandmother. She has big eyes! She has big ears! She has big teeth! This is not her grandmother! It is the wolf! So scary! Little Red Riding Hood runs away. Little Red Riding Hood went to the wrong house.

    Language Focus

    Irregular verb ‘to have’

    An action meaning to own, possess, or hold.

    Ex. He has / they have / she has


    1. He has a balloon. → He has _____.

    2. I have some cookies. → I have _____.

    3. They have cola. → They have _____.

Vocabulary Corner

at have ear teeth scary wrong
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

단어를 선택해주세요.


Discussion Questions
수업 시간에 꼭 다루는 질문들이에요.

  • 1.

    Do you take care of your grandmother when she is sick?
  • → Yes, I take care of my grandmother when she is sick. / No, I don’t take care of my grandmother when she is sick.
  • 2.

    Who helps you when you are sick?
  • → My (mom / dad) help me when I am sick.
  • 3.

    What do you like to do when you are sick?
  • → I like to (sleep / watch TV / eat soup / drink tea) when I am sick.
  • 4.

    Do you like to eat cake if you are sick?
  • → Yes, I like to eat cake when I am sick. / No, I don’t like to eat cake when I am sick.
  • 5.

    What do you like to eat when you are sick?
  • → I like to eat _____ when I am sick.
  • 6.

    Have you ever gone to the wrong house?
  • → Yes, I have gone to the wrong house. They were nice so it was okay. / No, I have never gone to the wrong house.
Where did Little Red Riding Hood go?
She went to the ______.
What does the wolf have?
The wolf has bit _____
How does Little Red Riding Hoods grandmother feel?
Her grandmother feels _____.
Vocabulary Check (Preview)
You have very white _____.
The cat has one _____.
I am _____ home.
They _____ an ice cream.
That was so _____!
The answer was _____.