Day 38 - Do your parents lie to you?
Day 38 - Do your parents lie to you?
As I have grown up, I have been through many things. And the most shocking truth that I have found is that moms lie to kids. Do moms really lie to us? The answer to this question is YES, they do. Well, at least mine does for sure. First, every time we go to a supermarket, my mom says she does not have any money. But I know that is not true because if she did not have any money, how could she buy things? She does not have money for my portable game players or new MP4s, but she has money for things like vegetables, fruit, shampoo, laundry detergent, shaving cream, and towels. If I put a bag of potato chips and a box of chocolate chip cookies in the cart, I have to choose only one because she says so.
Second, it seems like all my mother's friends have the best kids in the whole world. Sometimes she compares me with them, and I don't like it at all. Mrs. Clark's daughter, Amy, always gets an A on every single test she takes. Mrs. Osteen's son, Harry, never plays computer games but reads books all the time. And Mrs. Montana's awesome twin boys are extremely talented in music and art. Oh, mom! Please give me a break. To tell you the truth, I met all of them and Amy is not that smart, Harry only reads comics, and the twins are so-so.
Third, whenever I listen to my mom talk about her childhood, I get really confused. Is she telling the truth or is she exaggerating again? Well, since there is no way to find out, I get more skeptical about my mom's extraordinary history. As a teenager, she was very obedient and polite which means she never said, "No," to her parents. She always finished her homework first before she went out to play with her friends. She studied very hard, and all the teachers absolutely adored her.
Finally, do mothers lie? Well, I don't know about your mother, but my mother does. But I know that her lies are what we consider innocent white lies. Mothers want what is best for us, and because of that, sometimes they lie. She does not buy all the things I want because she does not want to spoil me. She even compares me with other kids to motivate me, which I understand, but it is not working. And honestly it is quite annoying. She exaggerates her childhood because she wants me to be a better person. To tell you the truth, Mom, I love you, but please don't lie to me anymore because I have never lied to you, and I will never ever lie to you. Thank you for listening!
1. "give me a break : to express tiredness and wanting of a person to stop something
2. "white lies" : small lies that are not important
3. "spoil me" : to give anything the person wants or do anything a person asks
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Discussion Questions수업 시간에 꼭 다루는 질문들이에요.
Have you ever lied before? If you have, what did you lie about? Why did you lie?
Has your mom or dad ever lied to you? If yes, what was it about?
Why do you think people lie?
When you know someone has lied to you, how do you react?
Do you think lying is always bad? Explain your opinion.
What can be the result of telling a lie?