맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

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맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

Day 35 - Talk about your worst day!

Level 4

Day 35 - Talk about your worst day!

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • Have you ever had a very humiliating experience? Well, I certainly have. Today, I am here to share the worst day of my life. Two weeks ago, I went to the mall with my best friend, Tiffany, because our final exam was over. First, we went straight to the food court to grab a bite. We ordered one large sized chili fries and two double bacon cheeseburgers with super-sized cokes. And for dessert we ordered a big piece of apple pie with two scoops of vanilla ice cream on top and two cups of chocolate pudding. Everything was so delicious, and we just inhaled our food. After that, we started to look around the mall to find some really cool clothes. We finally found the perfect store. Oh, my gosh! Is that Hannah Wanna, the most beautiful teenage pop star? The store had huge posters all over the walls. "Wow! She is so skinny and just so gorgeous," said Tiffany in awe.
    So, I decided to buy what Hannah was wearing on the poster. I found the same pink dress with a really cute white belt. I rushed into the fitting room to try it on. But, guess what? It didn't fit me at all! The dress was too small for me. I could not even zip it up to the top and some of the buttons actually popped off. How humiliating it was... I just wanted to disappear. People at the store were looking at me like I was so pathetic. And the worst part of all was that Dean Wellis was there, the guy that I have had a huge crush on since 7th grade.
    I could also tell how shocked he was by the look on his face. “If there is a spaceship ready to abduct a human, take me now.” That's what I said in my mind. How could I ever face him at school again? What if there were other kids from my school there, too? Well, the store manager said I had to buy the dress whether it fit me or not because I ruined it. So I gave her all I had in my wallet and went back home with my empty wallet in one hand and a damaged pink dress in the other hand.
    On the way home, Tiffany tried everything to cheer me up. She even lied to me, saying that Dean Wellis had bad eyesight and a bad memory. But I was half conscious; whatever she said meant nothing to me. I felt like my world was ending, and my life was totally over. It has been two weeks now, but things are still so vivid and alive in my head. Do you think I will ever overcome this trauma?


    1. "grab a bite" : to get food

    2. "inhaled our food" : to eat super-fast

    3. "in awe" : to be shocked

Vocabulary Corner

humiliating awe pathetic conscious vivid trauma
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

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Discussion Questions
수업 시간에 꼭 다루는 질문들이에요.

  • 1.

    We all experience some bad days in our lives. What was the worst day of your life?
  • 2.

    How do you feel when bad things happen to you?
  • 3.

    What do you do when you feel your day is not going as well as you expected?
  • 4.

    Who do you usually share your stories with? How do they react to your stories?
  • 5.

    What do you hope for after you have had a bad day?
  • 6.

    Do you usually blame someone or something when you experience something bad?
Where did the speaker and Tiffany go after the exam?
What did the speaker and Tiffany do there? `
What happened to the speaker when she was trying on the new dress?
He was in _____ of her beauty.
Vocabulary Check (Preview)
Check if the person is _____ by seeing if they are breathing.
It was so _____ when I fell down.
That dog looks so _____ when begging for food.
My dream was so _____ I thought it was real.
Talk to a doctor about your _____.