Day 31 - Do you enjoy being a student?
Day 31 - Do you enjoy being a student?
I see many students in this room, and I am sure many parents and teachers here must have gone through life as a student when they were young. If someone asked me what it is like to be a student today, I would probably say it is chaotic. I am not just saying that without any reason. Many adults think that our life is simple and easy. I love my parents, and I feel grateful for them bringing me up all these years. However, I just want to say that a student’s life is not as easy and simple as others think.
Being a student is fun and exciting. You get to make new friends and build strong relationships with them. It is always fun to share things you love, and it is more fun to do things together than to do them on your own. I think making a friend and learning something new every day is the most exciting part of student life. Of course, learning difficult math equations can be stressful, but you not only gain academic background but also learn some enjoyable activities as well.
However, a student’s life can also be challenging. We meet many people our age and learn to follow some rules, to share things with others, and to accept others as well. We get help from the teachers, and we give help to younger students. We are standing at the point where our lives can change unexpectedly. As we grow older, we must think about what university we need to apply for and what we want to do for the future. For these reasons, I think we as students have a huge responsibility on our shoulders.
Sometimes we as students feel like our school life will never end. However, I know that the life as a student will end eventually, and I will probably cherish the memory forever. I just hope that when I grow older, I will be a person who cherishes my life as a student and does not regret it.
1. "gone through life" : time lived so far
2. "standing at the point" : a point in time currently being experienced
3. "responsibility on our shoulders" : responsibility a person needs to take care of
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Discussion Questions수업 시간에 꼭 다루는 질문들이에요.
What kind of student are you?
What is your school life like?
What is the most important thing as a student?
What do students enjoy the most nowadays?
What are students mostly stressed about?
What does school mean to you?