Canada is closest to the North Pole, where Santa Claus is supposed to live, and a lot of funny associations have developed over the years with Canada and Santa Claus. Santa was declared a full Canadian citizen in 2008 by Canada’s Immigration Minister. It is said that 1 million letters are addressed to Santa Claus Canada every Christmas. The Canadian postal service is working closely with Santa and his elves so that all letters sent to the North Pole will receive a reply.
Vocabulary Corner
North polebe supposed toassociationdeclareimmigration ministermillionaddresspostal serviceelvesreceivereply
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Discussion Question
Does your country celebrate Christmas or believe in the idea of Santa Claus?
In America, most people definitely celebrate Christmas! Children in America also believe in Santa Claus. The idea of Christmas is big in America and it is one of the most celebrated holidays in America. I had a chance to see the influence of the western Christmas on Asian cultures when I worked in Singapore. In Singapore, unless they were Christians, a lot of people did not celebrate Christmas. Interestingly, many cultures in South East Asia will also celebrate Christmas. It is a national holiday and a lot of people will practice gift exchange, but they do not believe in the idea of Santa Claus or the religious association of Christmas.