단어를 선택해주세요.
Would you tell a friend if their outfit looks terrible? Why or why not?2.
Would you describe yourself as a direct person? Why or why not?3.
What would you do if someone tells you that your outfit looks terrible?4.
Describe what table manners you were taught.5.
Do you look at others when you speak to them? Why or why not?6.
Do you prefer eating at home or at restaurants and why?단어를 선택해주세요.
단어를 선택해주세요.
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탈수를 막을 수 있도록 물을 많이 마셔라.
한국에서는 아이들이 예를 갖춰 세배를 한다.
서울의 궁궐들은 조선 왕조의 생활을 보여준다.
밥으로 하시겠어요, 국수로 하시겠어요?