단어를 선택해주세요.
Would you prefer to stay at a hotel above the ocean, where you can see the animals under the water, or would you prefer to stay at a normal hotel on land, and why?2.
Do you prefer marine animals or land animals, and why?""3.
Why do you think it is important to protect endangered animals?4.
Have you ever been to an aquarium? What animal did you see? If you have not been there, what animal do you want to see?5.
Describe what is the best thing to do in your city.6.
Would you prefer an old storybook that has been owned by people you cared about, or would you prefer a brand-new storybook that is all your own, and why?단어를 선택해주세요.
단어를 선택해주세요.
1977년 이후로 수달 사냥은 불법이 되었다.
그것들은 멸종위기에 처한 동물들이다.
이 골목으로 숨자.
저기 저 작은 차 좀 봐봐.
앵무새는 열대 지방 에서 왔다.
서울에는 역사적인 곳이 많다.