단어를 선택해주세요.
How often do you have to attend meetings? What kinds of meetings are they? Are they usually with colleagues or with people from outside your organization?2.
Do you have online meetings? How effective is the time you spend in virtual meetings compared to face-to-face meetings?3.
Have you ever been distracted during an online meeting? Do you doodle/daydream when other people are talking?4.
Have you ever had to attend a meeting in English? Did you contribute or just listen? How well did you understand the points which were being made?5.
Have you ever hosted a zoom/face-to-face meeting? What is the meeting about? Did you feel pressured as a host? Or have you ever had to make a presentation? Do you write out everything you are going to say word for word, or do you just make general notes?6.
Are there any rules that come to mind other than those mentioned in the above passage about Zoom etiquette?단어를 선택해주세요.
pandemic | 팬데믹, 세계적 유행병 |
communicate | 의사소통 하다 |
video conferencing | 화상회의 |
norm | 표준, 일반적인 것 |
rule | 규칙 |
virtual | 가상의 |
smoothly | 순조롭게 |
enable | ~을 할 수 있게 하다 |
productive | 생산적인 |
professional | 전문적인 |
friendly | 친근한 |
factor | 요인, 요소 |
assume | ~라고 추정하다 |
adjust | 조절하다 |
appropriate | 적당한 |
when it comes to | ~에 관한한 |
appearance | 외모 |
expect | 기대하다 |
face-to-face meeting | 대면회의 |
still | 그럼에도 불구하고 |
overdress | 지나치게 옷치레하다 |
underdress | 너무 간소한 옷을 입다 |
attire | 옷 |
strike a balance | 균형을 유지하다 |
comfort | 편안함 |
professionalism | 전문성 |
make sure that | 반드시 ~하도록 하다 |
interact with | ~와 상호작용을 하다 |
appear | ~인 것 같다 |
interaction | 상호작용 |
responsibility | 책임 |
feel left out | 소외감을 느끼다 |
comfortable | 편안한 |
engage | (주의,관심을) 사로잡다 |
feel stuck | ~에 매여 있다고 느끼다 |
tackle | (문제를)맞서다, 해결하다 |
agenda | 안건 |
participant | 참여자 |
expect | 기대하다 |
colleague 동료 | |
organization 조직, 회사 | |
effective | 효율적인 |
virtual | 가상의 |
compared to | ~와 비교하여 |
face-to-face meeting | 대면회의 |
distract | 산만하게 만들다 |
doodle | (특히 지루해 하거나 딴 생각을 하면서) 뭔가를 끄적거리다 |
daydream | 백일몽을 꾸다, 헛된 공상을 하다 |
contribute | (회의,대화에서) 의견을 말하다 |
feel pressured | 부담감을 느끼다 |
word for word | 한자 한자, 한 마디 한 마디 |
make a note | 원고를 만들다 |
come to mind | (생각이)떠오르다 |
mention | 언급하다 |