단어를 선택해주세요.
What was the most stressful situation you faced at work? How did you handle it?2.
Are you the type of person who will always try to solve the problem on your own before asking for help?3.
How do you cope when you face a challenge you’ve never previously experienced?4.
Give us an example of a situation when you realized that you won’t be able to meet the set deadline. What did you do?5.
When you are faced with an urgent problem, how do you react? Are you the type of person who jumps right into solving problem, or do you first carefully assess the situation?6.
Tell me about a time when you had to change your planned course of action at the last moment. How did you handle this situation?단어를 선택해주세요.
arise | 발생하다 |
sector | 분야 |
occur | 발생하다 |
hugely | 매우 |
beneficial | 이로운 |
approach | 접근법 |
make a decision | 결정하다 |
point of view | 관점 |
deal with | 다루다, 처리하다 |
conflict | 갈등, 충돌 |
analyze | 분석하다 |
vary | 다양하다 |
industry | 산업 |
typically | 전형적으로 |
extreme | 극도의 |
probably | 아마도 |
lie | ~에 놓여있다 |
assess | 평가하다 |
process | 과정 |
face | 직면하다 |
handle | 다루다, 처리하다 |
cope | 대처하다, 잘 처리하다 |
previously | 이전에 |
realize | 깨닫다 |
urgent | 급한 |
react | 반응하다 |
assess | 평가하다 |