맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

전체 지도

Useful Sentence
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • How do you spend your lunch break? A lot of people skip lunch because they are busy or just not hungry. Perhaps you might devour a salad at your desk with one hand on your keyboard. It is not easy to squeeze in a lunch break when we are rushing a deadline, but we all need the energy from food for our minds to function. A little time to recharge during lunch break is good for us as well.
    Here are what many successful people do during their lunch breaks.
    1. Successful people use this time of day to do things they enjoy most, such as going shopping or visiting the park. These activities are like mini-vacations that help refresh them, and they go back to the office with a different mindset.
    2. Successful people set a goal to have lunch at least once a week to catch up with a different person in their office or network.
    3. Successful people take advantage of this short break from work by making a to-do list for their personal lives.
    4. Successful people exercise during lunch, which provides a great energy boost and a sense of accomplishment for the second part of the workday.
    5. Successful people use their lunch hour to recharge by shutting off all electronics. Instead, they enjoy some peace and quiet, dreaming of new concepts, ideas, and solutions that can be applied to their professional and personal lives.

Vocabulary Corner

devour squeeze in deadline function recharge as well refresh mindset take advantage of provide boost a sense of accomplishment electronics instead solution apply
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

단어를 선택해주세요.

걸신 들린듯 먹다
(몹시 바쁜데도 불구하고) ~을 위한 짬을 내다
~도 또한
생기를 되찾게 하다
~을 기회로 활용하다

Discussion Questions
수업 시간에 꼭 다루는 질문들이에요.

  • 1.

    What kind of foods do you normally eat for lunch?
  • 2.

    Who do you usually have lunch with? Are you comfortable eating alone or do you prefer to eat regularly with your colleagues?
  • 3.

    How long is your lunch break? Is that enough to eat and rest?
  • 4.

    Have you ever skipped lunch because you were so busy with work?
  • 5.

    What other activities do you do besides eating at lunch? Is your productivity in the afternoon affected by how you spend your lunch break?
  • 6.

    Among the things that successful people do at lunch break in the passage above, are there anything that you are already doing or would like to try?
normally comfortable productivity affect

단어를 선택해주세요.

맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘
영향을 미치다
Sample Sentences
  • I brought my own lunch today.
    오늘은 점심을 싸 가지고 갔다.
  • I had a light lunch.
    나는 점심을 가볍게 먹었다.
  • I get sleepy when I have a heavy lunch.
    나는 점심을 먹고 나면 졸린다.
  • I did not eat anything until late in the afternoon.
    오늘은 늦게까지 아무것도 못 먹었다.
  • I ate a light lunch in anticipation of a good dinner.
    저녁은 잘 먹을 것 같아서 점심은 간단히 먹었다.
  • Are we still on for lunch next week?
    우리 다음 주 점심식사 약속 유효 한거지?
  • Haven't you had your lunch yet?
    점심 아직 안 드셨어요?
  • You can't go wrong with pasta.
    파스타는 실패할 리가 없지.
  • Shall we have lunch together?
    점심 같이 드실래요?
  • Today, I want something with soup. What do you think?
    오늘은 국물 있는걸 먹고 싶은데, 어떠세요?
  • How about Gombtang?
    곰탕 어때요?
  • I know a good restaurant for Gomtang.
    저 곰탕 잘하는데 알아요.
  • Enjoy your meal.
    식사 맛있게 하세요.
  • I'm going to have lunch with Suzy today.
    오늘은 수지씨랑 점심 약속이 있어요.
  • Let's talk about this over lunch. I need to go to the meeting right now.
    점심 먹으면서 얘기하자. 나 지금 회의 있어.
  • I'm going to have a snooze after lunch.
    점심 먹고 잠깐 눈을 붙여야겠어.
  • I think we need to put off lunch next week.
    다음주 점심 연기해야 할 것 같아요.
  • I'll treat you to lunch.
    제가 점심 사 드릴께요.
  • It's up to you. I'm not picky. / Anything is fine with me.
    전 아무거나 괜찮아요.
  • I'd like to take you out for lunch sometime.
    언제 제가 점심 대접이라고 하고 싶어요.
  • I have to dash off right after lunch.
    점심 먹고 나서 서둘러 가봐야 해.
  • Will you come near my office and have lunch with me?
    우리 회사 근처로 와서 나랑 점심 먹을래?
  • I had chicken salad for lunch.
    난 점심으로 치킨 샐러드를 먹었어.
  • Let's grab lunch sometime.
    언제 간단히 점심이나 같이 먹자.
devour 걸신 들린듯 먹다
squeeze in (몹시 바쁜데도 불구하고) ~을 위한 짬을 내다
deadline 마감일
function (제대로)기능하다
recharge 재충전하다
as well ~도 또한
refresh 생기를 되찾게 하다
mindset 마음가짐
take advantage of ~을 기회로 활용하다
provide 제공하다
boost 증가
a sense of accomplishment 성취감
electronics 전자기기
instead 대신에
solution 해결책
apply 적용하다
normally 보통
comfortable 편안한
productivity 생산성
affect 영향을 미치다