맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

전체 지도

Useful Sentence
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

Coworkers are not your friend

Coworkers are not your friend

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • Colleagues can be wonderful people. Colleagues can have lots of interests in common. In an ideal environment, everyone in the office can support each other not only professionally but also personally.
    At times, the entire team in a healthy work environment can also hang out with each other outside the office and have fun.
    However, unfortunately, going to lunch, exchanging holiday greetings and sharing jokes with colleagues do not necessarily mean that they are your friends. It can be difficult at times to know if a colleague sees you as a friend even if you see them as a friend.
    Colleagues can sometimes be put in competitive situations for promotions and other favors from supervisors. While some colleagues use acceptable strategies to achieve such goals, others may use you as a stepping stone for their own means.
    At work, everyone is there to earn a living. To avoid such difficult situations as whether a colleague is really your friend, your best strategy may just be to stay professional and see them as professional relationships. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Vocabulary Corner

colleague have something in common ideal environment at times entire hang out necessarily competitive situation promotion favor supervisor acceptable strategy achieve goal stepping stone means earn a living avoid
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

단어를 선택해주세요.

공통점을 가지고 있다.
함께 어울리다
어쩔 수 없이, 필연적으로
경쟁적 상황
인정, 편애
방법, 수단
생계를 유지하다

Discussion Questions
수업 시간에 꼭 다루는 질문들이에요.

  • 1.

    Do you get along with your colleagues? Are you normally very active in group discussions/small talk at work or do you prefer to listen?
  • 2.

    How important is it to have friendly and supportive colleagues around you? How does this affect your job satisfaction?
  • 3.

    Would you say you have good relationship building skills? How should you build a good relationship with your coworkers?
  • 4.

    Do you consider your colleagues to be your friends? If so, do you think you will be able to maintain the friendship after you leave the company?
  • 5.

    Have you ever felt jealous of your coworkers? Have you ever had a misunderstanding/conflict with your colleague? What are the most common reasons for a breakdown in relations between colleagues?
  • 6.

    To what extent do you set a boundary between you and your colleagues? Do you celebrate birthdays or personal anniversaries with your coworkers, are you social media friends with your colleagues, do you socialize outside of work?
get along with prefer supportive affect satisfaction relationship building skills consider maintain jealous misunderstanding conflict breakdown to what extent personal anniversaries socialize

단어를 선택해주세요.

맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘
~와 잘 어울리다
도와주는, 힘을 주는
영향을 미치다
사람들과 사귀다, 어울리다
Sample Sentences
  • He is my office buddy.
    그가 제 친한 직장 동료예요.
  • I'll treat my co-workers to beer tonight.
    오늘 밤 동료들에게 맥주 살 거예요.
  • I am very open with my co-workers.
    나는 직장 동료들과 스스럼없이 지낸다.
  • I get along well with my colleagues.
    직장 동료들 하고 잘 지내.
  • I hit it off with my co-worker right away.
    나는 내 동료와 보자 마자 죽이 잘 맞았다.
  • I have lunch with my colleagues on a day-to-day basis.
    나는 매일 동료들과 점심을 먹는다.
  • We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years.
    우리는 20년 넘게 친구고, 동료였다.
  • She has a very good reputation among her colleagues.
    그녀는 동료들 사이에서 평판이 아주 좋다.
  • I turned green with envy when my colleague was promoted before me.
    나는 동료가 먼저 승진하자 배가 아팠다.
  • I thought I was in line for a raise before her.
    그녀보다 내가 승진 서열이 빠른 줄 알았는데.
  • The way he fawns upon the boss gets on my nerves.
    그가 상사한테 알랑거리는 것이 눈꼴사납다.
  • My boss humiliated me in front of my colleagues.
    상사가 동료 앞에서 내게 망신을 주었다.
  • It’s unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues.
    동료들을 비난하고 다니는 것은 전문 직장인답지 못한 일이다.
  • I felt unappreciated both by my colleagues and my seniors.
    나는 동료들과 상급자들 모두에게서 제대로 인정을 받지 못한다는 기분이 들었다.
  • I had an argument with my co-worker.
    나는 회사 동료와 말다툼을 벌였다.
  • My co-worker was sick, so I had to carry the ball.
    내 동료가 아파서 내가 책임지고 일을 해야 했다.
  • He tried to shift the blame for his mistakes onto his colleagues.
    그는 자기 실수에 대한 책임을 동료들에게 전가하려 했다.
  • I am deeply offended by my coworker from another team.
    나는 다른 부서 직장 동료 때문에 기분이 매우 상했다.
  • I’m past my limit, but my coworkers keep making me drink.
    내 주량을 넘었는데 동료들이 계속 먹이네.
  • The brown-nosing coworker is a pain.
    아첨하는 직장 동료는 눈엣가시 같은 존재야.
  • My new co-worker is such a drain. All he ever does is complain.
    새로 온 동료가 참 피곤한 스타일이야. 불평만 늘어놓거든.
  • She never socializes with her co-workers.
    그녀는 직장 동료들과 전혀 어울리지 않는다.
  • He tried to achieve success at the expense of his colleague.
    그는 동료를 발판 삼아 출세하려고 했다.
  • I don't like my colleague who did not lift a finger.
    나는 노력을 전혀 안 하는 동료를 싫어한다.
colleague 동료
have something in common 공통점을 가지고 있다.
ideal 이상적인
environment 환경
at times 가끔씩
entire 전체의
hang out 함께 어울리다
necessarily 어쩔 수 없이, 필연적으로
competitive situation 경쟁적 상황
promotion 승진
favor 인정, 편애
supervisor 상사
acceptable 수용가능한
strategy 전략
achieve 달성하다
goal 목표
stepping stone 디딤돌
means 방법, 수단
earn a living 생계를 유지하다
avoid 피하다
get along with ~와 잘 어울리다
prefer 선호하다
supportive 도와주는, 힘을 주는
affect 영향을 미치다
satisfaction 만족
relationship building skills 관계형성기술
consider 여기다
maintain 유지하다
jealous 시기하는
misunderstanding 오해
conflict 갈등
breakdown 와해
to what extent 어느정도까지
personal anniversaries 개인경조사
socialize 사람들과 사귀다, 어울리다