단어를 선택해주세요.
Do you get along with your colleagues? Are you normally very active in group discussions/small talk at work or do you prefer to listen?2.
How important is it to have friendly and supportive colleagues around you? How does this affect your job satisfaction?3.
Would you say you have good relationship building skills? How should you build a good relationship with your coworkers?4.
Do you consider your colleagues to be your friends? If so, do you think you will be able to maintain the friendship after you leave the company?5.
Have you ever felt jealous of your coworkers? Have you ever had a misunderstanding/conflict with your colleague? What are the most common reasons for a breakdown in relations between colleagues?6.
To what extent do you set a boundary between you and your colleagues? Do you celebrate birthdays or personal anniversaries with your coworkers, are you social media friends with your colleagues, do you socialize outside of work?단어를 선택해주세요.
colleague | 동료 |
have something in common | 공통점을 가지고 있다. |
ideal | 이상적인 |
environment | 환경 |
at times | 가끔씩 |
entire | 전체의 |
hang out | 함께 어울리다 |
necessarily | 어쩔 수 없이, 필연적으로 |
competitive situation | 경쟁적 상황 |
promotion | 승진 |
favor | 인정, 편애 |
supervisor | 상사 |
acceptable | 수용가능한 |
strategy | 전략 |
achieve | 달성하다 |
goal | 목표 |
stepping stone | 디딤돌 |
means | 방법, 수단 |
earn a living | 생계를 유지하다 |
avoid | 피하다 |
get along with | ~와 잘 어울리다 |
prefer | 선호하다 |
supportive | 도와주는, 힘을 주는 |
affect | 영향을 미치다 |
satisfaction | 만족 |
relationship building skills | 관계형성기술 |
consider | 여기다 |
maintain | 유지하다 |
jealous | 시기하는 |
misunderstanding | 오해 |
conflict | 갈등 |
breakdown | 와해 |
to what extent | 어느정도까지 |
personal anniversaries | 개인경조사 |
socialize | 사람들과 사귀다, 어울리다 |