단어를 선택해주세요.
Can you describe your current job? How long do you plan to continue working where you are? Would you like to do the same job for the rest of your life?2.
If you had to choose between a satisfying job and a well-paid one, which would you choose?3.
Let’s say that you’ve changed jobs a lot, hiring managers may be a little nervous about hiring you. If the interviewer asked you why you left your previous job or why you switched jobs a lot, how would you answer attractively?4.
If you are a millennial, do you agree with the video above? Or if you are working with millennials, how does the way they work affect you?5.
What is the most important factor for you in choosing a job and why? (salary increases, colleagues, vision, work environment, company culture, location, benefits, etc.)6.
How do you handle disagreements with superiors/co-workers/clients?단어를 선택해주세요.
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정부는 돈으로 해결하면 문제가 사라질 것이라고 생각한다.
돈을 쏟아 붓는다고 해서 해결될 수 있는 문제가 아니다.
In the video, what do workers prioritize over money?Q2
In the video, what are the other factors that make workers leave their jobs?Q3
In the video, what are employers advised to do to retain talented workers on the job?refer to | 나타내다 |
relatively | 상대적으로 |
define | 정의하다 |
inconvenient | 불편한 |
necessary | 필수적인 |
eliminate | 제거하다 |
duty | 업무 |
purposefully | 의도적으로 |
as a means of | ~의 수단으로서 |
millennials | 밀레니얼 세대(1980년대 초~ 2000년대 초까지 출생한 세대) |
wanderlust | 방랑벽, 역마살 |
priority | 우선순위 |
absolutely | 틀림없이 |
fidelity | 정확도 |
nearly | 거의 |
quality | 품질 |
depressing | 우울한 |
awful | 끔찍한 |
thwarted | 좌절된, 어긋난 |
career ladder | 직업상 위계, 출세의 길 |
retain | 보유하다 |
attractive | 매력적인 |
describe | 서술하다 |
satisfying | 만족하는 |
well-paid | 급료가 좋은 |
let’s say | 예를들면~, ~하다고 치자 |
previous | 이전의 |
attractively | 매력적으로 |
the way they work | 그들이 일하는 방식 |
affect | 영향을 미치다 |
factor | 요인 |
handle | 다루다, 처리하다 |
disagreement | 의견충돌, 다툼 |
superior | 상사 |