단어를 선택해주세요.
Do you think that you are overweight? How often do you weigh yourself? Does your weight go up and down easily or is it usually stable?2.
Did you put on extra weight during the corona pandemic? Would you dress differently if you had a perfect body? What would you wear?3.
Do you try to eat less of any certain foods? Do you eat a heavy meal in the evenings? Do you ever snack before bed? How many times a week do you eat fast food/soft drinks?4.
What do you think is the best way to lose weight quickly? Please share the diets you have tried so far.5.
Do you tend to eat more when you are feeling stressed or unhappy? Do you always eat until you feel very full?6.
What kinds of health problems come from being badly overweight?단어를 선택해주세요.
Which one of these is “get fit”Q2
Which one of these is “go on a diet”Q1
Which one of these is “chubby”Q2
Which one of these is “nutrition”Q3
Which one of these is “weigh”Q4
Which one of these is “overweight”Q5
Which one of these is “overeat”Q6
Which one of these is “processed food”취업 후 8개월안에 옷이 점점 더 타이트 해지는 걸 느꼈다.