단어를 선택해주세요.
Are you a social person? Do you mind being alone sometimes? How much time do you spend with people every week? How open and honest are you with each other?2.
Which of your friends have you known the longest? When did you first meet and how close are you now? Have you ever had Girls Night Out or sleepover with them?3.
Have you ever met a person and become friends very quickly? What makes some people connect immediately?4.
If you plan activities at a gathering with your friends, which activities do you think would be fun?5.
What topics do you and your friends usually talk about when you hang out with your friends? Have you ever had a conflict or misunderstanding between friends?6.
Is it possible for men and women to be friends? Or do romantic feelings always get in the way? Do men or women make better friends? Does one gender have better friendships?단어를 선택해주세요.
Which one of these is “have fun”Q2
Which one of these is “throw a party”Q1
Which one of these is “slumber party”Q2
Which one of these is “gathering”Q3
Which one of these is “get together”Q4
Which one of these is “friendship”Q5
Which one of these is “girl's talk”Q6
Which one of these is “hang out”우리는 월풀 욕조에서 와인한잔도 마시며 밤새도록 최신 드라마를 볼 예정이다