단어를 선택해주세요.
Are you a person that worries about nothing or everything? Give an example of something that you worry (or don't worry) about.2.
What's the biggest risk you have ever taken?3.
Does your job involve taking risks? How? Do you consider your job to involve high or low risk?4.
In the long term, are risk-takers more successful?5.
Do you think investing in stocks and shares is a good idea?6.
What risks have you taken that have gone wrong/ worked out properly?단어를 선택해주세요.
외국 손님들이랑 회의할 때 분명 긴장될 거야.
그의 논평은 비판을 불러일으키게 되어 있었다.
모든 사람들의 견해는 주관적일 수밖에 없다.
What is the main idea of this video?Q2
According to the speaker, one of the requirements for you to succeed greatly in life is you're going to have to move out of your _____________________ _________________________.Q3
The speaker mentioned five types of risk. Explain at least two of them.take risks | 위험을 감수하다 |
primary | 주된 |
process | 과정 |
requirement | 필요조건 |
engage | 사로잡다 |
outcome | 결과 |
probability | 확률 |
determine | 결정하다 |
in pursuit of | ~을 찾아서 |
analyze | 분석하다 |
assess | 평가하다 |
competent | 만족할 만한 |
gamble | 도박하다, 모험하다 |
consequence | 결과 |
remedy | 해결책 |
delegate | 위임하다 |
entail | 수반하다 |
likelihood | 가능도 |
precipitously | 무분별하게 |
sufficient | 충분한 |
minimize | 최소화하다 |
involved | 관련된 |
investment | 투자 |
irrevocable | 변경할 수 없는 |
prospect | 가망, 예산 |
prospective | 유망한, 다가오는 |
in terms of | ~에 관하여 |
enormous | 거대한 |
bankroll | 재정 지원하다 |
speculation | 추측, 투기 |
hinge | 경첩 |
fallacy | 오류 |
magnetize | 매료하다 |
massively | 단단하게 |
downside | 불리한 면 |
ultimately | 궁극적으로 |
involve | 수반하다 |
stocks and shares | 채권과 주식 |
properly | 제대로 |