단어를 선택해주세요.
Do you shop online? What kinds of things do you buy online? What would you rather buy in person?2.
Have you ever spent too much? What did you buy? How did you feel afterwards?3.
Do you know anyone who is addicted to shopping? Are you addicted to shopping?4.
How do you feel about sales people following you and helping you when you shop?5.
Have you ever bought any counterfeit products like fake designer bags, clothing, or jewelry?6.
Are you a bargain hunter? Do you get excited about sales and discounts? When are the best sales in your country?단어를 선택해주세요.
우리 남편이라면 두말 않고 바로 샀을 텐데!
그는 정말 바로 결정을 내렸다.
그녀는 고민하지 않고 드레스에 100달러 정도는 쓸 것이다.
According to the video, what makes online shopping more fun?Q2
What are the biological reasons why we are obsessed with shopping even though we live in affluent times?Q3
Where do all the products people end up buying but not using go to? And what other problems does this cause?purchase | 구입하다 |
on the fly | 대충 그때그때 봐 가며 |
browse | 스윽 둘러보다 |
biologically | 생물학적으로 |
compulsion | 충동 |
evolutionary | 진화의 |
aspect | 양상, 측면 |
survive | 생존하다 |
innate | 내재된 |
desire | 욕망 |
abundance | 풍부 |
garment | 의복 |
insane | 제 정신이 아닌 |
clutter | 잡동사니 |
decade | 10년 |
donate | 기부하다 |
thrift store | 중고품 할인상점 |
get rid of | 제거하다 |
estimate | 추정하다 |
landfill | 쓰레기 매립지 |
textile | 옷감 |
collectively | 집합적으로 |
consumer | 소비자 |
manufacturer | 생산자 |
cut cost | 비용을 줄이다 |
appliances | 가전제품 |
material | 재료 |
run out of | 다 써버리다 |
figure out | 생각해 내다 |
bleak | 절망적인 |
abandon | 버리다 |
reverse | 반대의 |
rule of thumb | 경험에 바탕을 둔 방법 |
sustainable | 지속 가능한 |
encompass | 포함하다 |
in person | 직접 |
afterwards | 나중에 |
addicted | 중독된 |
counterfeit product | 짝퉁 |
fake | 가짜의 |
bargain hunter | 할인물품을 찾아 다니는 사람 |